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Life Force Offerings

I believe my role as an Ayurveda practitioner is to guide my clients along a path to re-discover their optimal health, well-being and self-awareness.

 Practices such as yoga and creative movement, meditation, and preparing nourishing foods are some of the ways conscious awareness is fostered.

I have been an athlete all of my life and have experienced the pressures to have an "ideal body" for particular sports or to make myself feel accepted by others. I have known first-hand the ways in which internal and external pressures warp our perceptions of self-care. (For example, we may eat or restrict ourselves to obtain some "ideal" while the body suffers). Patterning developed through external pressures (societal, family, peer) and/or self-will result in imbalances that separate our physical bodies from our innate capacity to discern what is naturally healthy for us. Over time this disconnect results in disruptive patterns and systemic imbalances and disease. Many health issues result such as anxiety, depression, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and the list goes on…

Ayurveda and its sister sciences yoga, meditation and Vedic astrology provide us with the tools to listen to our intuition and live according to our true nature and thus creates a greater sense of wholeness, vitality and peace.

 Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into my life over the last 10 years transformed my understanding of health and wellness and inspired me to become an Ayurveda Health Practitioner and Spiritual Mentor. I feel confident that through the lens of Ayurveda we can all learn how to cherish the unique body we come into this world to nurture and celebrate as a gift to ourselves and others.

Free Initial Consult

Individual Welness Program


Private Yoga Instruction

Daily/Weekly retreat programs

Spiritual Mentoring

Cooking/nutrition workshops

Laughing Yoga
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